One of the brightest pages in the creative biography of the composer and pianist Fyodor Biryuchev was his participation in the role of sound producer in the immersive opera "The Queen of Spades", a project that was awarded the title of laureate of the III National Opera Award "Onegin". The world's first Opera in the classical format managed in new ways to reveal the inner world of long-familiar characters to the viewer "Queen of spades", to revive them. The immersive opera has been shown more than 300 times and has been visited by more than 10,000 spectators, and each time guests go on a journey through the old estate of the XIX century, accompanied by soloists of leading Moscow theaters, including the Bolshoi Theater, ballet dancers, dramatic actors, and chorus.
Fyodor Biryuchev's participation in the collaboration with composer Nikola Melnikov allowed the opera to acquire a modern sound and new meanings, thanks to the created introduction and episodes with electronics, which further enhanced the degree of immersion of the audience in the mystery of what is happening in the Goncharov-Filippov estate. Fyodor Biryuchev played more than 100 performances of the opera in less than six months with the New Classic Band orchestra under the direction of conductors A. Rein and N. Tsinman.